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6 resultaten gevonden
Professionele bachelor


Kies voor de breedste opleiding in het technologieonderwijs.
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Professionele bachelor


Je wil graag het fijne weten van computers, netwerken en security, beeld en geluid, internet of things of van smart homes.
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Degree Programme


Discover the full potential of trending technologies from smart electronics to connected devices and the internet of things.
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Professionele bachelor


Jouw brandstof, jouw motor: mechanica, elektriciteit, elektronica, aandrijving en verbranding.

Major of the English Bachelor's Degree Electronics-ICT


Discover trending technologies from smart electronics to connected devices and the internet of things.

Major of the English Bachelor's Degree Electronics-ICT


Choose between expert tracks in Applied Artificial Intelligence, Application Development and Security Systems & Services.