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Licalab: Contact

LiCalab is a team of 9 people with expertise in living lab research. The multidisciplinary team brings together insights from backgrounds in medicine, psychology, physiotherapy, socio-economic sciences, communication, economics and applied sciences.

Interested in an exploratory meeting or concrete collaboration? Contact Ingrid Adriaensen

Business Developer

Ingrid Adriaensen

Ingrid Adriaensen is business manager at LiCalab. She advises companies and organisations on living lab operations within innovation projects and facilitates cooperation with and between all stakeholders.

Research manager

Vicky Van der Auwera

Vicky Van der Auwera is operations manager at LiCalab. She is responsible for day-to-day management and strategy. She is also active as project manager in several regional and international projects at LiCalab.


Glenn Weyers

Glenn is a project manager at LiCalab. He mainly manages and coordinates larger European collaborative projects around healthcare and innovation. His focus is mainly on financials and project management.


Leen Broeckx

Leen Broeckx is panel manager at LiCalab. She manages, together with her fellow panel managers, the LiCalab user panel and panel database. She is co-responsible for the operational functioning of the living lab.


Sascha Vermeylen

Sascha Vermeylen is panel manager at LiCalab. She manages, together with her fellow panel managers, the LiCalab user panel and panel database, and is jointly responsible for the operational running of the various activities.


Annouck De Cat

Annouck De Cat is panel manager at LiCalab. Together with her fellow panel managers, she manages LiCalab's panel database. She is also co-responsible for the operational side of the various living lab activities.


Kim Helsen

Kim Helsen is a researcher at LiCalab. Her daily tasks range from drafting questionnaires, supporting co-creation sessions, analysing research data to writing (scientific) reports.


Nele De Witte

Nele De Witte (PhD) is scientific coordinator at LiCalab. She has expertise in research methods, scientific valorisation of living lab research and psychology & technology.