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Leen Broeckx

Care and Well-being - LiCalab Living and Care lab

Leen Broeckx is panel manager at LiCalab. She manages, together with her fellow panel managers, the LiCalab user panel and panel database. She is co-responsible for the operational functioning of the living lab.

About Leen

Leen Broeckx holds a master's degree in communication sciences at VUB. Additionally, she obtained a master's degree in Cultural Studies at KULeuven. She supervises the LiCalab activities: recruiting, writing scenarios, supervising group discussions and live tests as well as processing and reporting.

She is passionate about 'Human Centered Design' and strongly believes in the participatory approach in healthcare innovation. She regularly updates her knowledge in training courses on certain techniques (Lego Serious Play, brainstorming techniques, service design, etc.).