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Impact assessment for trainings

Trainings in well-being and mental health care: how to measure impact?

In a rapidly evolving wellbeing landscape, it is important for organisations to continuously invest in the development of their employees. It helps to keep up with the latest insights, optimise existing practices, or introduce new methodologies or techniques faster. Training and education mean a significant investment in time and resources. Assessing whether and to what extent training effectively achieves impact is therefore important.

An impact measurement of training offers organisations insight into trainees' motives for participating in training, as well as its quality and learning effect. Participants can use the impact evaluation to gain insight into their individual progress and the results of their participation in a training course. In addition, structural impact measurement enables training organisations to optimise their offerings and justify them to subsidising authorities, clients and field organisations.

Therefore, Onlinehulp Vlaanderen developed a simple measurement tool in Dutch aimed at improving its own learning offerings.


Meer info over het instrument
