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Inclusion of people with disabilities




The 'Persoonlijke Financiering' project resulted in an internal report with the most important information about the new financing system. The literature review and surveys in the field were used to determine which were the most important points regarding personal financing.



From until


On January 1, 2017, person-following financing (PVF) for adult persons with disabilities was introduced. The financing of support was placed in the hands of the (guardian of the) adult persons with disabilities.

As a result, people with disabilities are put at the center, they can organize their own support and this support becomes more demand-driven. In addition, it is the government's ambition to provide care guarantees to people with disabilities with the greatest need for support through personalized financing.

Personal financing consists of two steps. The first step is the care budget for people with disabilities or basic support budget (BOB) of €300 per month, to organize accessible care. The second stage includes the personal budget (PVB), to access more intensive support. We work with 24 budget categories depending on the care demand and need for support.

In addition, directly accessible help (RTH) was expanded. Two working points were developed into concise sheets with a description of the problem definition and associated research questions for future research.

  • “Informed users of demand-driven care/assistance in an inclusive society in 2020”
  • “Care guarantee for people with disabilities with the greatest need for support in 2020”

These topics were discussed with employees of the Department of Welfare, Public Health and Family.


The purpose of this project was twofold: on the one hand, to gain knowledge about this new financing system in the healthcare sector, and on the other hand, to examine the work points regarding 'Personal financing'.

Our role

The researchers at Mobilab & Care conducted an extensive literature study and focus group interviews with various healthcare institutions in Flanders.



Tessa Delien

Researcher and occupational therapist dedicated to promoting the inclusion and participation of individuals with disabilities. Everyone has the right to fully participate in our society.